Worship Services
All are welcome at any of our services

We would love to welcome you to one of our services!
Our church fellowship gathers together every week to encourage one another and learn more from God's Word.
Everyone is welcome at any of our services.
St Botolph's, Barton Seagrave
Sunday 8:30am | Holy Communion
A short service of Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month.
Sunday 10:00am | Morning Service
This is our main Sunday service with prayer, praise and Bible teaching at the centre. Music is led by a band and includes contemporary songs and traditional hymns.
For families, there are children and young people's groups that meet together in Church House, as well as crèche facilities. Refreshments are served after the service.
Sunday 6:30pm | Evening Service
An informal, contemporary service with prayer, praise and Bible teaching at the centre. Music is led by a band and includes contemporary songs and traditional hymns.
Refreshments are served afterwards.
Thursday 11:00am | Midweek Ministry Service
A short traditional service lasting around 45 minutes that includes music, prayers and a short talk.
St Edmund's, Warkton
Sunday 12 noon | Midday Service
The midday service at Warkton takes place every Sunday.
Sunday 5.00pm | Evening Prayer
A monthly service of Evening Prayer on the 1st Sunday of each month.